Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Snap Shot

Sunday picinic at the park

Feet on the ground in 2 days

Gratitude lately

Gosh, there are so many things to be grateful for lately! Here a few off the top of my list: 

1. Family (including awesome in -laws that love on baby girl so much and are so generous with their time)

2. Our Church. I am still blown away by the ROAR (there is no other way to describe the sound) of prayers that were prayed over our team as we prepare to leave on the Passion Pretoria Global Trip.

3. The hint of fall weather.

4. Nature's hair dryer aka driving with my windows down

5. The Aveda Insititute, because I have not used a hair brush in 21 days and counting.

6. Friends that email me with scripture so that I can breath easy on a 16 hour plane ride and remember I am not in control - God is.

7. And absolutely my family of 3. I would rather be with Allen and Molly than anywhere else in this beautiful world.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

six days....what?

Our team leaves in 6 days. Only 6 more days to get percriptions filled, packing lists made and freezer meals put together (can't leave the hubs and molly alone with just bread and cheese in the fridge). More importantly, I want to spend time with those that I love. Conversations that are intentional and meaningful.

I still can't believe that I am going to Africa. I am so thankful that that God has given me the opportunity to live out a dream that has been in my heart for over a year. A dream that was hidden in my heart and shared with 3 other people, God has brought out into the open and made a beautiful way.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hints of Autumn

The weather lately has been spectacular. I am greeted with hints of fall weather as I step outside on to our front porch in the morning. I drive with my windows down to work and put the heat on at my feet. I know that Atlanta is teasing us with the cooler temperature. In a few weeks (maybe days) it will be hot and humid again but for the moment I am going to fall in love with the temptation of fall weather.

This morning I was reading over at Simple Mom and discovered some great outdoor fall activities. I am hoping to borrow some of hers and add some of mine to create new fall traditions for our family.

1. Visit a pumpkin patch
     This one is for the whole family. Picking out pumpkins to dress up our front porch, to carve with friends   and to say "oh we will roast the seeds" will be fun for us all.  Its a good excuse to get outside and feel the cooler temps too!

2. Make caramel apples
   This is one mainly for the adults. Not a usual every day kind of craving but caramel apples sure are delicious. Make mine green underneath please!

3. Collect leaves
    How can you not smile and take in the beauty that our Creator made when designing the annual leaf change. The red, orange and my favorite - yellow can be stunning. I know that Molly will love finding ones and holding them in her hands as we discover different shapes and colors -all made by nature.

4. Trick or treat
     We are not big into Halloween at our house. You will not see many decorations ( I think a pumpkin is about it) but we don't see the harm in letting Molly dress up and have fun with other friends in the neighborhood. It gives us a chance for community with those we live near and for molly to have a special night to stay a few minutes up past her bedtime. She won't miss  notice the candy when its' all gone the next morning (you know Allen has a major sweet tooth)

5. Take a hike
   Thought of for Allen but really for the whole family. I am so thankful that I married someone more outdoorsy  than me. Otherwise, Molly would only know activities inside and not have the pleasure of experiencing outside play. Whether it is here in GA or somewhere in NC we will definitely plan a fall hike in the upcoming months!

What activities do you love to share during this beautiful season?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A trip I never thought I would take

I used to always say that the one place that I never wanted to see was Africa. I never wanted to travel there for pleasure or purpose. Not interested. Not even the tinest bit.

In college I had a few friends and acquaintances that really got on an Africa bandwagon. They read a lot, prayed about it and flew across the ocean. I still wasn't interested and kind of went in the opposite direction of what I simply saw as a "popular mission destination." I don't feel bad about that. I do wish that I had been a better encourager to those people in my life, but at that time, Africa was not written on my heart. God was still at work in my life and He knew what I did not know.He knew that Africa would come in time, and I would pray with a longing to be placed there.

Now here I sit, 9 days away from boarding a plane that will take me to...Africa. I will leave my husband and daughter behind for 10 days while I travel to this giant continent full of people who are just like me - broken and in need of Jesus daily. I am sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting anxiously to hold hands of children, smile and hug women and pour my energy into building a home for a foster family.

I hope that I can update this blog as I travel and meet new faces. As I reflect on what God has done and is already doing in my life and in the lives of others that I walk alongside

Monday, September 10, 2012

a little bit of him and me together

Everyone always asks," Does she look like you or like Allen?" I love this question. It is so amazing to me that two people can together create another life. Sometimes I forget the simple truth that Molly will grow up to look more like me or more like her dad. We always say that she looks more like Allen but resembles baby pictures of me. As she has grown from baby to toddler I have loved discovering habits and behaviors that are alike to mine or alike to Allen's. Some that we notice are completely unique to Molly, after all she is her own little individual person.

I have so many hopes and dreams for this little girl. She is the most beautiful person that I have ever met. As I rocked her yesterday afternoon before her nap, I whispered in her ear " molly, you are the best gift mommy has ever received. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you."

So grateful for the Lord's blessing as I have another day to spend and share with my daughter.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

June & July

Some photos of the family (mainly molly) of June and July

She loves taking care of "babies" all the live long day.

I think the face she is making while drinking her milkshake is too funny. How can you make a face like that while drinking something soooooooooo good?