Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Where is your home?

It is wonderful in many ways to be back in States after a 10 day trip to South Africa. I have so many stories to share and pictures to post. I missed my family very much and was beyond excited to see them waiting for me after that long 16 1/2 hour flight back to Atlanta.

I learned a lot about myself in the 10 days that I was separated from all things familiar and hope to share some of them here.

One thing that really made an impression on my heart was the way I felt the day we had to leave. I walked out of a temporary "home" that we had been living in and realized how much I felt like I was already home. Of course Allen and Molly were two essential missing pieces but I felt like I was amongst family. I was sad to leave. I was calculating and planning for the next time that I could be back home in South Africa.

Home was no longer defined by a street address, comfortable bed, common language and familiar food but by the people that I was sharing my life with. I really miss the beautiful people that I was able to spend time with last week. I check my e-mail hoping that I might find something from them. I find myself thinking of ways that I can pray for them and continue to share my life with them. I know that I have a home amongst my friends in South Africa.

It is so so so good to be back in the same place where my husband and daughter live. I missed them every day that I was gone and can't seem to get enough of them now. Molly is speaking new words every day and is infatuated with my lipstick. She laughs at herself and at us and is a shining light in every day. I do not think a more supportive husband exists outside of Allen. To be a single parent for 10 days and to welcome me home with grace and love was such a beautiful testimony to me of how Christ loves me and takes care of me.

The other day I told Allen "lets quit America and move to another country" and I really believe that whenever and wherever we might do that, we would be home.


  1. Favorite relevant quote ever, "There's only one place I call home and that's because you're there."

  2. Freshman year English class, first semester, im in a room full of little chicken wings who left their nests for the first time... prof has us right essays on our definition of "home." Don't remember how I defined it 10 years ago, but I think as we age & experience & mature & are exposed over time that definition continues to change. Or, the definition simply broadens. Yes, that's it. Broadens.
